May 30

How is the Air Quality at Belmont?

The air quality in any building older than twenty years will not be as good as a new structure due to advances in design and construction technology. The air quality at Belmont is no different from any other building of it’s vintage.

In March 2011, the Belmont Joint Health & Safety Committee submitted a report to Facilities listing a number of air quality complaints. In response, the District hired Pacific Environmental Consulting & Occupational Hygiene Services to engage in air quality testing of the school. An initial site inspection was conducted in mid-March, baseline assessments were completed at the end of March and more detailed sampling and inspection was done in April in eight classrooms. A final report was submitted to the District in mid-April with a number of recommendations to improve air quality at the school. It is important to note that while slightly elevated CO2 levels were identified in the north end on the 2nd floor, no mold or fungi was found in the sampling. There were no immediately serious hazards identified.

The District began work immediately to institute as many recommendations as possible. Some items, however, will need to wait until summer when staff and students are out of the building, and some (particularly an upgrade to the entire ventilation system) will require further funds from the Ministry of Education.

Coincidentally, shortly after the Pacific report was received a company hired by the Ministry of Education (VFA Facility Assessment Services) arrived in the district to conduct assessment inspections of all school buildings. This assessment is being conducted in all school districts in the province. A report of their recommendations is not expected until mid-summer, but any recommended upgrades will be conducted. – Jim Cambridge

The complete reports are available below

V1961 Aerosol particulates report R-01.pdf