Parent Teacher Interviews:
This autumn parent-teacher interviews will not occur in the normal manner. The Labour Relations Board has stated that teachers may withdraw from organized parent-teacher interviews as a part of Phase 1 job action.
Parents can and should arrange to meet with teachers to find out how their child is doing. If you have questions about your child’s progress and you have not been contacted by your child’s teacher please contact them directly or through the school office to arrange a meeting.
The Board of Education has left the early closure day on November 24th in the hope that this time may facilitate parents and teachers opportunities for interviews. However, parents are free to meet with teachers at any non-teaching time through mutual agreement.
Grade 12 Marks for Post Secondary Entrance and Scholarships.
Grade 12 students who require marks for post-secondary entrance applications or for scholarship applications will be able to receive them. The process is for the student or parent to ask the teacher or counselor for the marks for a particular course(s), the teacher will provide the office with the student’s marks and the office will produce a document for the student to use with their applications. Each secondary school will have deadlines for student requests. For Belmont and EMCS students should ensure that they request first term marks by November 15th. Pacific and Westshore Centre students should speak to a school administrator for timelines.
If you have any difficulty with this process please contact your school’s Principal.
Report Cards
This term reports cards will be issued as directed by the Ministry of Education. Parents will see significant gaps of information. Teachers are not required to produce reports or provide marks, therefore most report cards will only contain; student name, attendance, teacher(s) name, and courses taken. The exception will be where a Principal or Vice-Principal actually teaches a specific class. All report cards will be printed centrally using BCeSIS which may look different than the usual elementary report card. Distribution dates will follow the dates previously indicated by your school.
Jim Cambridge – Follow me on Twitter