Jan 29

Ecole Poirier Literacy Day

Jim Reading

On Tuesday, I was invited to Ecole Poirier to celebrate their literacy day. I read the book “Wolf” by Becky Bloom to Grade 1,2,4 and 5 French Immersion students at Ecole Poirier. The story is about a wolf who learns to read in order to impress a group of farmyard animals he has met.


ABC Life Literacy Canada has 15 family games to make practicing literacy fun!

  1. Write a joke book with your family.
  2. Read a bedtime story to the grown-up putting you to bed.
  3. Make up a new recipe together and post it online.
  4. Tell knock-knock jokes together while doing the dishes.
  5. Organize a book swap at your school.
  6. Make up riddles and tell them to your friends.
  7. Create a family book club.
  8. Build a drum with your family.
  9. Surf the Internet and learn about your favourite animal.
  10. Make up a song about your day to sing to your family at dinnertime.
  11. Write messages to your family on sticky notes and post them around the house.
  12. Create a story about what you’ll be doing for Family Literacy Day.
  13. Play a board game together.
  14. Build an acrostic poem using your hero’s name.
  15. Make an origami boat and see if it will float.



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