This weekend, Spencer Middle School’s music department performed at the Heritage Festival at Douglas College in New West.
Principal Terry Honer reports that the students were amazing. They had a wonderful time at the festival, and came home with three silver medals for their performances. (It should be noted that the Heritage Festival is an adjudicated festival.)
The students won the prestigious (rarely awarded) Spirit of Vancouver award. This award is given out to the group that most exemplifies the spirit of the festival. It is voted on by the adjudicators, festival staff, bus drivers and hotel managers. It must be a unanimous vote or the award is not presented. One student was awarded a Maestro award for exemplary performance. Noah Ledger was one of six (out of 888 students) who received this award, and the first middle school aged person to receive the award.
Ms. Jennifer Fiorin, a Teacher On Call with our district specializing in music, conducted her first adjudicated group. She was thrilled to come out with a silver medal.
Ms. Duey Wright, the conductor, really pulled out all the stops in making the weekend successful. She was recognized as the Outstanding Music Director. – Jim Cambridge