Aug 29

Potential Teacher Job Action this September

Many parents have asked me about potential job action by teachers this September. Sooke District is fortunate to have an extremely dedicated and conscientious teaching force. The effect of actions planned by teachers is aimed at management not students, fortunately we have a very good relationship with the local teachers’ union and I can share the following with parents.

Teachers have yet to give strike notice, however, should they give notice prior to week’s end, the following actions have been approved by the Labour Relations Board as legal strike actions.

Phase 1 Job Action

Teachers will not….

 Participate in meetings or interviews with parents/guardians and/or district teaching staff outside of instructional time, or during instructional time unless coverage is provided

 Participate in meet the teacher activities outside of instructional time, or during instructional time unless coverage is provided  

 Prepare or distribute report cards

 Provide any student assessment data to Administrative Officers or the school office, except Grade 12 marks required for graduation, post-secondary applications and scholarship purposes

 Complete and submit student referral forms outside of instructional time

 Attend staff meetings

 Attend staff committee meetings

 Attend any meeting called by School District management

 Participate in any standing or ad hoc District committees

 Attend school based meetings called by an Administrative Officer, unless the meetings are related to an emergency

 Provide Administrative Officers with any routine printed, written or electronic communications

 Accept any printed, written or electronic communication from an Administrative Officer, unless it relates to an emergency

 Participate in the preparation or the organization of assemblies outside of instructional time, or during instruction time unless coverage is provided

 Participate in any accreditation activity

 Participate in any School District or Ministry in-service

 Participate in any professional development that is not teacher directed

 Participate in any school photo organization.

 Provide coverage for a teacher who is absent, except for a Teacher on Call hired specifically for that purpose (consistent with principles in B421/2011 and B444/2011)

 Administer or supervise FSA or any District or Ministry test (consistent with principle in B418/2011)

 Collect money from students or participate in fund raising

 Order supplies, textbooks, etc., unless needed immediately to effectively maintain ongoing instruction

 Assist the Administrative Officer in administrative tasks like building timetables or computer organization

 Do inventory

 Organize textbooks.

 Answer school office phones

 Supervise detentions before, during or after instructional time

 Prepare overviews or previews for the Administrative Officers, except when associated with a teacher evaluation process

 Distribute School District or administrative letters, newsletters, memos or announcements to students, unless it is health and safety related

 Pack up classrooms to facilitate painting, renovations or maintenance

 Perform department head/position of responsibility duties except during allocated time in the time table.