Nov 16

Severe Weather Info!!!

On days where there is severe weather, the school district’s senior administration decides whether it is safe to open the schools. The decision to close a school or to keep it open is usually made before 6:30 in the morning, but could happen later if conditions quickly deteriorate. As soon as the decision to close a school (or schools) has been made, that information is shared with the local media and on this website. On days where there is severe weather, we encourage all families to tune in to local news radio or television stations to get the latest on possible school closures. If there is no announcement in the local media or on the District website, you can assume that the school will be open.

Please note that any blog postings on severe weather days are often done by a staff member from their own home. If the Internet connections to that home are down, or there isn’t any power, the blog cannot be updated. The best bet is to rely upon the local media, using our school district’s blog/website as a possible source for additional information. In the event of a closure, we will do our best to post to the blog/website as soon as practical after we officially receive the word.

Employees can find out about extreme weather procedures at this link: School Closure Due to Weather Memo – Nov 15 2011.pdf

Finally, on days where the school is closed due to weather, it will not be necessary to call your school’s safe arrival line. – Jim Cambridge

Jim Cambridge – Follow me on Twitter