Nov 14

Wishart Elementary Raises Funds for Philippines Typhoon Victims

Ms. Brajcichs class

Ms. Brajcich and the grade 3/4 class at Wishart Elementary. Missing is Mrs. Bevan who is also a part of the fundraiser.

Our grade three and four students at Wishart Elementary are fundraising for the families and children in the Philippines after last weeks devastating typhoon. The grade 3/4 class wanted to help out because they couldn’t imagine themselves without water, food and clothing. “It is times like these that we put aside teaching multiplication tables or the water cycle and focus on the world as a global, supportive community,” says Ms. Brajcich. “My students’ sense of empathy and the desire to help children so very far away is inspiring and worth every minute in the classroom.”

Here is how you can help Wishart Elementary and Save the Children:

Please consider sending donations to Wishart Elementary, which will be forwarded to Save the Children on your behalf.  Wishart will be working with a representative from Save the Children to send your donations directly to the charity.  We can help Save the Children do the following in the Philippines:

While the nature and scale of our support is determined by the type of emergency, we prioritize the following projects:

  • Health and nutrition
  • WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
  • Food security and livelihoods
  • Child protection
  • Education

Donations will be accepted until Tuesday November 26th at the latest.  If you would prefer to donate online please visit the website and click the Donate Now icon for the Super Typhoon Haiyan relief efforts.  If you do this, could you please let Wishart Elementary know so they can include your donation in their overall totals!  You may email Ms. Brajcich at


Thank you to Ms. Brajcich and Mrs. Bevan for organizing the fundraiser!

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