Jan 09

Jobs For Youth

Belmont Secondary hosts career information evening!

Students Health Field

Students Working


Did you know the BC Government is projecting over 1,000,000 job openings in BC over the next several years? Approximately 650,000 openings will be replacement jobs primarily due to retiring baby boomers. The other 450,000 openings will be new jobs as BC’s economy improves.  The government also predicts the number of workers needed will gradually become greater than the number of workers available.


What does this mean for our students? Career options and opportunities!


To get our students and their parents thinking about their future, Belmont Secondary is having a Careers Information Evening on Tuesday, January 14. Students and parents will hear from guest speakers from: the Vancouver Island Construction Association, go2 (BC Hospitality and Tourism), Applied Science Technologists &Technicians of BC, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 230 and WorkBC. These presentations will include labour market outlooks and employment forecasts.

Nadine Nicholson, the Career Education teacher at Belmont encourages parents to help their children find their passion. “Once students figure what they want to do, we can help them transition into post-secondary education and/or the workforce.”

Students and parents will also hear from Camosun College and school district representatives about career related secondary and post-secondary education opportunities that students can start while they are still in high school!

Enjoy some refreshments after the presentation in the main foyer. Presenters will have information tables set up in the main foyer.


Location: Belmont Secondary Cafeteria

Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.


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