Feb 07

No Second Term Report Cards to be Issued

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The Ministry of Education has informed us that we will not be required to send home student progress reports (Report Cards) that are essentially blank. This comes as a result of the current teachers’ job action, where the Labour Relations Board has ruled that teachers need not complete or supply marks for progress reports.

The only exception to this is for Grade 12 students graduating this semester, or grade 12 students applying for scholarships and post-secondary admission. Report cards will be issued for these students.

All other students should contact teachers directly to obtain marks and the district encourages all parents to make sure they are aware of how their child is doing in school.

Parents whose children are taught by a non-union member (Principals or Vice-Principals) can receive full marks and comments from the Principal or Vice-Principal.

Please contact your Principal if you have any questions or concerns.

Yours truly,

Jim Cambridge

Superintendent of
