Feb 07

Events this Weekend in SD62

Friday, February 9th:

  • Sooke Elementary– PAC sponsored dance
  • Saseenos Elementary– 1:15 p.m. World Vision Africa Volunteer, Donna Cino talks to the students about working in schools and villages in Africa. An opportunity to raise awareness and funds as part of “heart” month.
  • Pacific Secondary– 9:30 – 11 a.m. Career Fair

Saturday, February 10th:

“Loonie Toonie Weekend to Help Kenny”
This weekend kids from Happy Valley Elementary are encouraged to do some extra work around the house for a loonie or toonie. They can bring their earnings to school Monday and donate it to Kenny Smithson and his family. Kindergarten student Kenny Smithson, is undergoing treatment for lukemia in Vancouver. Funds raised will help support Kenny’s family with the expensive trips back and forth to Vancouver.