Apr 17

EMCS Students Interview on CBC Radio!

Brody and Gage, Grade 12 students at EMCS, were interviewed last Friday at the Truth & Reconciliation Commission event in Victoria.

Both Brody and Gage did a fantastic job talking about what they have learned about the residential school system in Canada, how it has affected their communities and how they are going to pass the message of hope and optimism to their peers.

Check out their interview on CBC Radio All Points West. Their interview begins at 32:00 (just jump your cursor forward).

Thanks again to Brody and Gage for teaching others about what they have learned and for representing SD62 so well. We’re really proud of you!

Photo courtesy of cbc.ca


1 comment

  1. Excellent! We’re so happy that it was worth it for all. Now let’s get the subject into curricula across the country!

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