May 01

Ruth King Elementary Joins National Music Monday

Students at Ruth King Elementary will join other classrooms across Canada as well as Barenaked Ladies singer Ed Robertson & Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield (live from SPACE!) to sing this year’s Music Monday song, “I.S.S.” (Is Somebody Singing).

It’ll take place at 9 a.m. our time. Go Ruth King!

Watch Chris Hadfield LIVE FROM SPACE! The entire webcast will be broadcasted live from the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto, Ontario. Watch it here – it starts at 9 a.m. our time

Watch more videos of Chris Hadfield in the International Space Station.

Apr 26

Victoria Teen Expo – Saturday, April 27th

Apr 26

David Cameron Wants Your Scrap Metal

Donate your scrap metal and help out students at David Cameron Elementary School. All the metal will be cashed in and funds will go directly back to the students for things like field trips, sports, instruments etc.

3 ways to donate your scrap metal:

  1. Drop your metal off at the bin at the school THIS Saturday, April 27th,
  2. Call the school and arrange to get the metal picked up,
  3. Bring the metal directly to Schnizter Steel, 307 David St., and donate it to the schools account (#Davi80).


Apr 25

Flash Back! Sooke Schools, 1959

Sooke News Mirror – 1959 teaching staff have long history in Sooke. Click photo to read full story.

The teaching staff in Sooke in 1959

Apr 24

SD62 Nature K Makes “Today’s Parent” Magazine!

Hot off the press, this article is in the May, 2013 issue of Today’s Parent magazine. Click image to read read full story about the Nature K program in SD62 and other places across Canada.
Forest schools: When every day is a field trip day | Today’s Parent.

Apr 19

One Week Left: Help Name New School!



Apr 19

A Great Time at Dunsmuir’s Open House

Wow has it been a busy week here in SD62! Dunsmuir Middle School held their Annual Open House on Tuesday night to celebrate the upcoming BC Arts & Culture Week. With a great turnout, there was a lot of excitement as students showed-off their projects to their family and friends.

I had the great opportunity to learn first hand from a student about the silkscreening process, and I had the honor of being taught a Scia’new word (which I have no idea how to spell) from a local Elder.The jazz band did an AMAZING job and everyone enjoyed a fantastic dance performance put on by some of the students. Thanks for a great evening Dunsmuir!

Apr 18

BCSSA Shows Off Ron Warder!

Left to right: Assistant Super. Roberta Kubik, me, Ron, Assistant Super. Dave Betts.

The BC School Superintendents Association recognised our very own Ron Warder last week during their annual conference.

Ron’s personal fame in our community comes from his persistence and 33 years of dedication to SD62. It’s great to see Ron’s fame spread province-wide!

Apr 16

And the Winner is: A P.A.C.E Musical

Apr 16

Sangster Gets $2.1 Million for Seismic Upgrades

While Assistant Superintendents Dave Betts and Roberta Kubik & myself were in Vancouver at the BC School Superintendents Association annual conference last Thursday, Minister Ida Chong (on behalf of Minister McRae) presented $2.1 million for seismic upgrades to Sangster Elementary. The $2.1 million will go into reconstructing certain parts of the school to make sure the school is up to earthquake standards.

Board Chair, Wendy Hobbs, explained to the kids that although their school was safe, these upgrades would make their school even safer for generations to come. Big thanks to SD62 Secretary Treasurer Harold Cull for being the MC, as well as to Sangster Principal Maureen Lauren for organizing a fun event!

TOP: Minister Chong, Board Chair Wendy Hobbs, Secretary Treasurer Harold Cull; BOTTOM: middle- Sangster Principal Maureen Lauren with student, right- Board Chair Wendy Hobbs, Minister Chong, Sangster PAC President Michelle Scoville. Photos by Michelle Scoville