Feb 10

New School Consultation Begins


For Immediate Release
February 10, 2012

Consultation process begins for two new Secondary Schools
Consultations and Workshops to Inform Community and Student Needs

Langford, B.C. – Following the announcement by the B.C. Ministry of Education of support for two new secondary schools, the Board of Education of Sooke School District will be conducting stakeholder consultations and public workshops to discuss the project over the coming weeks.

“We have been successful in securing support from the provincial government, but now our work begins to develop the programs for the new schools and the community services that may be part of the project through the Ministry’s Neighbourhood Learning Centres,” said Chair Wendy Hobbs, on behalf of Sooke Board of Education.

Input is being sought from the community in three key areas:

• School Programs – The two new secondary schools provide the opportunity to consider a variety of programs for students. The School District is seeking input on the types of programs the schools might offer.

• Neighbourhood Learning Centres (NLC) – These new schools create the opportunity to bring the innovative NLC model to the Sooke School District. NLC programs in other communities include adult learning centres, community theatre, welcoming centre for new arrivals, health offices, family counseling, child care, early learning centres, gymnastics, and post-secondary programs. With sufficient community support, similar programs could be established in the Sooke School District.

• New names – the Board of Education will solicit input from the Westshore communities on the name for each of the schools.

“We will start off the consultations speaking to a broad base of key stakeholders in the community including educators, social services, arts and culture and sports and recreation,” said Hobbs. “These conversations will help inform the public workshops that we are scheduling for March which will be followed by Open Houses in May where we hope to go back to the public with a proposed plan for the schools based on their feedback.”

This plan and the process to develop it follow guidelines set out by the Ministry of Education for the completion of a Project Development Report setting out the projects’ scope, schedule and budget, which constitutes a necessary prerequisite for the funding process to move forward. The Board of Education expects to make a decision on the final report that will go to the Ministry in June.


For more information contact:
Kim Van Bruggen, APR
Acumen Communications Group

Feb 07

Events this Weekend in SD62

Friday, February 9th:

  • Sooke Elementary– PAC sponsored dance
  • Saseenos Elementary– 1:15 p.m. World Vision Africa Volunteer, Donna Cino talks to the students about working in schools and villages in Africa. An opportunity to raise awareness and funds as part of “heart” month.
  • Pacific Secondary– 9:30 – 11 a.m. Career Fair

Saturday, February 10th:

“Loonie Toonie Weekend to Help Kenny”
This weekend kids from Happy Valley Elementary are encouraged to do some extra work around the house for a loonie or toonie. They can bring their earnings to school Monday and donate it to Kenny Smithson and his family. Kindergarten student Kenny Smithson, is undergoing treatment for lukemia in Vancouver. Funds raised will help support Kenny’s family with the expensive trips back and forth to Vancouver.

Feb 07

Interested in Adult Classes?

The Westshore Storefront grand opening takes place tonight from 6 – 7:30 p.m. in the library at Edward Milne Community School in Sooke.

All registered students as well as anyone interested in learning more about adult learning in Sooke are welcome.

The Storefront will be open on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6 – 8:30 p.m.

Feb 07

No Second Term Report Cards to be Issued

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The Ministry of Education has informed us that we will not be required to send home student progress reports (Report Cards) that are essentially blank. This comes as a result of the current teachers’ job action, where the Labour Relations Board has ruled that teachers need not complete or supply marks for progress reports.

The only exception to this is for Grade 12 students graduating this semester, or grade 12 students applying for scholarships and post-secondary admission. Report cards will be issued for these students.

All other students should contact teachers directly to obtain marks and the district encourages all parents to make sure they are aware of how their child is doing in school.

Parents whose children are taught by a non-union member (Principals or Vice-Principals) can receive full marks and comments from the Principal or Vice-Principal.

Please contact your Principal if you have any questions or concerns.

Yours truly,

Jim Cambridge

Superintendent of


Feb 06

Great Turnout for Nature K Registration

While we already knew we had great parents in SD62, it was relevant this morning when we arrived to see so many parents camped out for Nature Kindergarten registration. With only 20 spots up for grabs- 10 for boys and 10 for girls- parents clearly showed how important Nature Kindergarten was to them.

We had more parents in line with male students, so the boys wait list started at 8:06 a.m.- only six minutes after registration opened.

Even though we’ve had a lot register for Nature Kindergarten, there are still some spots available for those with female students. So if you are interested or know someone who is, please come in to the school board office and register your daughter soon!

Feb 06

Parents Camp for Nature Kindergarten

Parents spent the night outside the SD62 board office for the chance at landing their child into one of 22 places available in the first ever Nature Kindergarten program on Vancouver Island.

“We knew there was a lot of interest in the Nature Kindergarten program, but it’s still surprising to see parents line up more than twelve hours early,” says Francis Krusekopf, SD62 Principal of Curriculum and Programs. “It shows the overall desire of parents to have their kids learning outdoors and actively engaging physically with nature.”

Next fall, a group of 22 kids entering the SD62 pilot project will attend Sangster Elementary. Using Royal Roads University forests and neighbouring beaches, the students will spend the mornings outside rain or shine learning about forest and intertidal life.

“We are really excited about this program, and we know people all across Vancouver Island are as well,” says Wendy Hobbs, SD62 Board Chair. “We understand that students learn differently and we’re pretty confident that Nature Kindergarten will help these students grow and experience social and emotional learning in really positive ways.”

Parents of accepted students will be notified no later than February 20th, 2012. Families will be asked to confirm their child’s Nature Kindergarten placement by March 1, 2012.

To attempt gender balance, parents formed two lines: one for female students and one for male students. Two places, non-gender specific, will be held for Aboriginal students to reflect the District’s demographic. If Aboriginal students are accepted in the initial group of twenty, these students will be additional to the two spots designated for Aboriginal students. A wait list will also be allocated.

Learn more at naturekindergarten.sd62.bc.ca


More information about the Sooke School District can be found at www.sd62.bc.ca

Media Contact: Lindsay Vogan, Public Relations Coordinator, (250) 686-3750

Feb 02

Local Student Band Needs Your Vote!

With the exception of one, all the members of Langford’s Fir Cone attend Belmont. They’re a great sounding group and need our votes!

To vote, go to: bandcontest.youthink.ca.

Here’s a link to an article about Fir Cone in the Goldstream Gazette.

Feb 02

Karaoke Fundraiser @ Journey Middle School

Journey Middle School is hosting an evening of Karaoke tomorrow night from 8 – 10:30 p.m. at the Sooke Legion – 6726 Eustace Road. Money raised goes to the Journey Middle School band program as well as to the Sooke Legion.

This event is only open to adults.

Songs and 50/50 tickets are only $2 each!

Feb 01

Welcome International Students!

A big welcome to all the international students that arrived over the weekend to begin the 2nd semester at Belmont and EMCS.

The grade 10 & 11 students join us from Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Korea, China and Vietnam.

Check out the Sooke Schools International Program to learn more about our international students as well as information about hosting a student in your home.

-Jim Cambridge

Jan 27

Kindergarten Registration Begins Monday!

Registration takes place from Monday, January 30th to Friday, February 3rd at your neighborhood school.

For those interested in French Immersion Kindergarten, please register at:

  • Ecole John Stubbs (for those in the Belmont Zone)
  • Millstream Elementary (Belmont Zone)
  • Ecole Poirier Elementary (Milne’s Landing Zone)

Register for late French Immersion (Grade 6) at Ecole John Stubbs.

Proof of age and proof of residence is mandatory.

More information is available here.

-Jim Cambridge