Nov 08

Blogging: Another Way to Talk with Parents and Students

My counterpart in West Van., Superintendent Chris Kennedy, takes a look at other Superintendents who blog. #sd62

I try to use this blog space as a place for me to communicate to students, parents and the community about things that are happening in our school district. It’s great to see other superintendents blogging with their communities too.

Check out the article in the Vancouver Sun, or see Chris Kennedy’s post “Superintendents as Blog Leaders.”

– Jim Cambridge
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Nov 07

December 1st: Belmont’s 10,000 Tonight

Prepare for a knock at your door on December 1st. Volunteers of Belmont’s 10,000 Tonight will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Goldstream Food Bank. I’m positive this year will be the best yet. Volunteers are always needed! Contact

Check out my article about 10,000 Tonight in this month’s issue of What’s Up magazine.

NB- An error was made in this month’s edition of What’s Up. Please note the date for 10,000 Tonight is December 1st, not November 31st.

– Jim Cambridge Follow me on Twitter

Nov 02

Sooke District Graduation Rate Up By 4% From Previous Year!

The Ministry today released information on the District’s graduation results from last year. In BC this rate is usually called the Six-Year Completion Rate. It is defined by the Ministry as follows:

The Six-Year Completion Rate is calculated by using the percentage of students who graduate within six years from the time they enroll in Grade 8, adjusted for migration in and out of BC. A six-year rate provides students with an extra year beyond the five years required to move through Grades 8-12.

Sooke students have been on a steady climb for the last five years, especially Boys and Aboriginal learners. I am very pleased to announce that the 2010-11 school year was our best results ever. This year we have seen increases of 4% overall and significantly higher for Boys and Aboriginal students.

Thanks and congratulations to all the teachers and staff who have supported students through their public schooling. Check out the results below in the attached document. – Jim Cambridge

062 2010-11 six year rate.pdf

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Nov 02

Check out the new BC Education Plan

Last Friday October 28th, Minister of Education George Abbott introduced the new BC Education Plan. Information on this plan is a bit high level at the moment; hopefully details will be coming in the near future. Below is a link to the pdf of the plan and an introductory video. – Jim Cambridge

Nov 01

Video: Watch News Coverage of New Schools Announcement

Oct 26

Job Action Update 2: Report Cards and Parent Teacher Interviews

As most parents are aware, teachers across the province are currently on a legal strike. The Minister of Labour has declared teaching to be an essential service; therefore teachers’ strike actions are governed by the Labour Relations Board (LRB).

The two areas I receive most questions from parents are concerning parent-teacher interviews and report cards.

The LRB has allowed teachers to withdraw from formal parent-teacher interviews as we usually conduct them. That is, where the office staff of a school sets up a schedule for parents to come to meet teachers for a short interview on a particular afternoon and evening. The Board has scheduled parent-teacher interviews for the afternoon and evening of Nov. 24th.

At its’ meeting last night, trustees decided to keep the early closure afternoon of Thursday, November 24th in the hope that parents and teachers will organize themselves to use that time as a communication opportunity.

The Sooke Teachers’ Association president has repeatedly declared that teachers will continue to meet with parents about their children and that strong parent-teacher communication is important, especially in a time of job action.

Last week, the Deputy Minister wrote a letter reminding principals and superintendents of their responsibility to issue report cards regardless of the fact that teachers will not be contributing grades or comments. I have recently met with a group of principals to determine the best method to accomplish this requirement. Although parents will receive the report card in early December, it will contain only demographic and attendance information unless the classroom teacher happens to be a principal or vice principal.

I will update the blog with any new information. – Jim Cambridge Follow me on Twitter

Oct 25

Belmont Principal recognizes student on Video

Speaking about Grade 12 student, Ravi Parmar, Belmont Principal, Carl Repp gave an interview to British Columbia Principals’ and Vice Principals’ Association to comment on the power that students have to transform their learning. Carl told the story about Ravi- who started a petition, led a walk-out and eventually had a meeting with the Minister of Education around his desire to see Belmont replaced with a new school.

You can watch this clip at

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Oct 06

Tour de Rock stops in Sooke to Great Applause

“The atmosphere was absolutely electric,” wrote one of the Tour de Rock bloggers as Sooke students greeted the riders of the 2011 Tour de Rock with massive applause.

More than 1200 students from the across Sooke gathered at Ecole Poirier Elementary to congratulate the riders for getting this far, as well as encouraging them to continue riding to the finish line on Friday.

Eight-year-old Molly Irwin raised an amazing $1900 for shaving her head! This goes to show the strength people have when they work together. I’m so proud of the Sooke students and community for supporting not only the Tour de Rock riders, but the Canadian Cancer society too. Follow Tour de Rock at

Jim Cambridge

Oct 04

Savory Students Return to their School!

This morning, Savory students returned to their own school for the first time in almost three weeks. Classrooms, hallways and the gym have been cleaned in preparation for the return of students.
Teachers have been amazing! They have set their rooms up again after having just gone through that exercise in August.
For the time being, the office will be located in the library and the staff room in an empty classroom. Students will access the gym from an exterior door. Construction has begun in the administrative area of the school to rebuild the offices.
Kids and parents seemed to be happy to be back in their own home! Once again, I have to comment on the incredible community spirit that has come from a potential disaster. We are all glad to have everyone back in their own classrooms!
Jim Cambridge – Follow me on Twitter

Oct 03

SD#62 Wins Big at Chamber Awards!

On Friday Sept. 30th, at the Westin Bear Mountain conference room, the Sooke School District won a number of community awards. Individuals and organizations were nominated in a variety of categories representing positive contributions to the community.

Congratulations to Belmont student Ravi Parmar who was nominated for Healthy Communities- Individual, Troy Harris and Kevin Harrington were nominated for Environmental Stewardship.

The District also had a number of winners. District Principal of Aboriginal Education, Kathleen King-Hunt won Healthy Communities – Individual. Westshore Centre for Learning and Training won the Healthy Communities- Organization, and Trustee Dianna Seaton won for Civic Leadership.

Well done everyone! – Jim Cambridge Follow me on Twitter