Jun 14

Community Threat Assessment Protocol Signing Ceremony

This afternoon, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed for a Community Threat Assessment Protocol. This protocol is the first in the area which allows for the sharing of information in the face of threats within the school community. This powerful document allows the sharing of information between the Westshore RCMP, the Vancouver Island Health Authority, the Ministry for Children and Families, Child Youth Mental Health and the School District. This year-long endeavour was led by Assistant Superintendent Dave Betts and authored by Dr. Doug Agar. Signatories on the MOU included; Mark Fisher (RCMP), Cheryl Damstetter (VIHA), Patti Simmons (MCFD/CYMH) and Board Chair Wendy Hobbs (SD#62). – Jim Cambridge

Jun 13

Standing Room Only at Westshore Grad!

The Westshore Centre for Training and Leaning (WCLT) celebrated their annual graduation ceremony at Spencer’s Isabelle Reader theatre last Thursday evening. Over fifty of the one hundred fifty grads were on hand to celebrate with family and friends. Congratulations to Principal Daphne Churchill and her staff who organized an outstanding ceremony. Students pride of accomplishment was evident throughout the evening, the highlight being a moving valedictorian speech from Anna Dorosch. – Jim Cambridge

Jun 09

EMCS Awards Night

Last evening, staff, students, and parents celebrated the accomplishments of many of the students from Edward Milne Community School. Most notable to me was the number of students being recognized. Unlike many ceremonies, where a few students seem to “pick up all the hardware” many, many students were recognized for their accomplishments in many different areas. Aside from academics, the arts were well represented in visual arts, performing arts, practical arts and citizenship. Well done EMCS! – Jim Cambridge

Jun 07

Full House for International Education Grad and Farewell

It was great to see a full house at Spencer’s theatre Tuesday evening for the International Education year end ceremony. Despite the fact the Canucks were playing!! Host families were there with their students who were being recognized for their year’s work. Five students spoke eloquently on the profound impact a year of Canadian schooling has made in their lives.
Thanks to the ISP department for their great work Tuesday night and throughout the year. Well done Heather, Nancy, Laura and Al! – Jim Cambridge

Jun 03

District Elementary Track Meet Today!

What a great feeling and such positive energy could be found today at the track at Belmont, where hundreds of elementary students, parents and staff take over for the annual Elementary School Track meet. Beautiful weather marked the day of high spirits, laughter and fun. I want to thank the over dozen volunteers that helped out today, many were retired teachers and principals. It was great to see familiar faces again. Finally, a huge thank you to two teachers who tirelessly organize this event each year. Jack Showers, Savory Elementary, and Lorraine Van Dyk, Millstream Elementary have organized this event to perfection! Well Done! – Jim Cambridge

Jun 03

Final Projects Nights at EMCS

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week have marked Final Projects week for arts students at Edward Milne Community School. Students have prepared all year to present their visual and performing arts projects on these three special days. I was so impressed with the quality and depth of the visual art I viewed today. It is also a tribute to the many teachers that have inspired and directed these talented students. – Jim Cambridge

Jun 03

All Shook Up from Belmont Musical Theatre Department

It was an exiting ending to the month of May for fifty students in Belmont Secondary’s newly formed Musical Theatre program, as they completed their run of the musical ‘All Shook Up’ at the Isabelle Reader Theatre.

For over 3 months these dedicated students in grades 10, 11 and 12 rehearsed daily on challenging choreography, vocal harmonies, acting and blocking of the close to two-hour musical that originally started it’s run on Broadway. In February, most of these students were joining a musical theatre cast for the first time. Under the direction of teacher, Melissa Young, who also choreographed the show, and music director Glenn Whitney, they quickly developed into a tight-knit cast that performed the show with confidence, energy and professionalism.

The story follows a motorcycle-riding roustabout who comes to a quiet town where fun and dancing has been outlawed. All is turned upside down when the townspeople, both young and old, start to fall madly in love with each other, including the town’s young female mechanic, Natalie, who falls for the roustabout, Chad, and cross-dresses to get her man. The musical is set to the songs of Elvis Presley, which, along with the entertaining storyline, made it very approachable for audiences.

Bringing a new culture, like musical theatre, to a school can be challenging, but after two shows with crowds over 200 and a sold-out final night, Belmont Music Theatre is well on its way to making it’s mark in the high school and in the community. Stayed tuned for the announcement of next years production from Belmont Musical Theatre.

Here is the poster that advertised the event….


Jun 01

Belmont Student wins EcoStar Youth Leader Award

Kati Walters, a grade 11 student from Belmont will receive the Youth Leader award tonight at the CRD EcoStar awards evening.
The criteria for the award is as follows:
Youth Leader

Youth hold the key to future stewardship and awarding their contributions will help ensure a future with committed environmental leaders.

The Youth Leader Award celebrates a youth who has contributed to community participation, leadership, emerging initiatives and vision within our region. An active member in the environmental community, the winner will be lead the way as an environmental steward. To be eligible, the nominees must have been 24 years of age or younger on December 31, 2010.

Kati has been one of the driving forces with developing an in-school expanded recycling program and with the community oriented Bullgog Green programme. Well done Kati! – Jim Cambridge

Jun 01

Belmont Year End Music Celebration Thursday Evening

The always amazing Belmont Music Department’s Year End concert is this Thursday evening at 7:00PM. Don’t miss it! – Jim Cambridge

May 30

Spencer Music Teacher Honoured

This weekend, Spencer Middle School’s music department performed at the Heritage Festival at Douglas College in New West.

Principal Terry Honer reports that the students were amazing. They had a wonderful time at the festival, and came home with three silver medals for their performances. (It should be noted that the Heritage Festival is an adjudicated festival.)

The students won the prestigious (rarely awarded) Spirit of Vancouver award. This award is given out to the group that most exemplifies the spirit of the festival. It is voted on by the adjudicators, festival staff, bus drivers and hotel managers. It must be a unanimous vote or the award is not presented. One student was awarded a Maestro award for exemplary performance. Noah Ledger was one of six (out of 888 students) who received this award, and the first middle school aged person to receive the award.

Ms. Jennifer Fiorin, a Teacher On Call with our district specializing in music, conducted her first adjudicated group. She was thrilled to come out with a silver medal.

Ms. Duey Wright, the conductor, really pulled out all the stops in making the weekend successful. She was recognized as the Outstanding Music Director. – Jim Cambridge