A Family Safety Action Plan
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Today Wendy Hobbs, SD62 Board Chair, attended the official kickoff for Operation KidSafe! For the next year, Jenner Chevrolet-Buick-GMC will operate a free Operation KidSafe digital fingerprint and photo safety program. The digital fingerprinting station is a family safety action plan that provides parents with copies of their children’s fingerprints. These copies are for parents to give law enforcement if there is ever a missing child.
How it works: Operation KidSafe captures your child’s photo and fingerprints using a digital video capture device, and specialized software. The captured data is assembled and a quality 8 ½ X 11 printout is given to the parent. The parent can use the printout they receive to provide law enforcement anywhere in the world to instantly aid in an investigation.
Visit Chevrolet-Buick-GMC where one of their 16 staff members will help you capture your child’s fingerprints.
NOTE: Your privacy is protected…no database or records of children are maintained. The only record of the visit will go home with the parent for safekeeping.
All of us at SD62 think this is a great family safety action plan and we will be emailing the Operation KidSafe newsletter home to parents.