Nov 18

It’s Silver for the Belmont Bulldogs!


Sr. Girls Volleyball Team with coach Mike Toakley

Silver medal winners with coach Mike Toakley


The AAAA Senior Girls Volleyball Championships were hosted at Belmont Secondary on November 15 and 16.  Our very own Belmont Bulldogs took home the silver medal and snagged one of two wild card tournament berths with their second place finish. The wild-card tournament is this Saturday, November 23 in Vancouver and will feature six teams vying for two spots in the Provincial Championships. The Provincial Championships are being held in Penticton from November 28-30. We wish the Belmont Bulldogs the best this weekend as they play for a spot in the Provincial Championships.

Nov 15

Paris Pen Pal Exchange

Belmont Secondary's French Immersion teach Mrs. Young

Belmont Secondary’s French Immersion Teacher Mme Young

Post Cards From Paris

Post Cards From Paris 











Speaking French is one thing, but making friends with French speaking students in another country takes learning French to a new level. Mrs. Young’s grade 9 French Immersion class is participating in a pen pal exchange with Collège Galilée, a school in Paris. Our Belmont students get to exchange hand written letters and videos with students of the same age. The videos have our French Immersion students showcasing some of their favourite spots in the city and explaining it to their pen pal in French and English. The exchange not only creates new friendships, but also teaches the grade 9 students about the Francophone culture.


Nov 14

Wishart Elementary Raises Funds for Philippines Typhoon Victims

Ms. Brajcichs class

Ms. Brajcich and the grade 3/4 class at Wishart Elementary. Missing is Mrs. Bevan who is also a part of the fundraiser.

Our grade three and four students at Wishart Elementary are fundraising for the families and children in the Philippines after last weeks devastating typhoon. The grade 3/4 class wanted to help out because they couldn’t imagine themselves without water, food and clothing. “It is times like these that we put aside teaching multiplication tables or the water cycle and focus on the world as a global, supportive community,” says Ms. Brajcich. “My students’ sense of empathy and the desire to help children so very far away is inspiring and worth every minute in the classroom.”

Here is how you can help Wishart Elementary and Save the Children:

Please consider sending donations to Wishart Elementary, which will be forwarded to Save the Children on your behalf.  Wishart will be working with a representative from Save the Children to send your donations directly to the charity.  We can help Save the Children do the following in the Philippines:

While the nature and scale of our support is determined by the type of emergency, we prioritize the following projects:

  • Health and nutrition
  • WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
  • Food security and livelihoods
  • Child protection
  • Education

Donations will be accepted until Tuesday November 26th at the latest.  If you would prefer to donate online please visit the website and click the Donate Now icon for the Super Typhoon Haiyan relief efforts.  If you do this, could you please let Wishart Elementary know so they can include your donation in their overall totals!  You may email Ms. Brajcich at


Thank you to Ms. Brajcich and Mrs. Bevan for organizing the fundraiser!

Nov 09

Lest We Forget: National Virtual Remembrance Day Ceremony


The Belmont Secondary leadership students participated in the National Virtual Remembrance Day Ceremony in Ottawa via webcast on Friday, November 8th. The leadership students, grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, read In Flanders Fields and asked the troops in Afghanistan three questions. Belmont Secondary was one of six schools that participated in the national event through The Centre for Global Education.

Belmont Secondary leadership students

Belmont’s three questions to the troops:

1)   What is most rewarding about your work in Afghanistan?

2)   How often do you communicate with family?

3)   What language/communication barriers do you face and how do you get around them?

The troops in Afghanistan listening to Belmont Secondary’s three questions

Troops in Afghanistan listening to Belmont's questions.

The reading of In Flanders Fields

Leadership students reading In Flanders Fields: Frelen Gorst, grade 11; Julianna MacDonald, grade 12; Shyyon Shakeri, grade 10; Alisa Lindley, grade 10; Nikki Gialet, grade 11.

Nov 08

Crystal View and Millstream Elementary in Concert with Norman Foote!

The parents of Crystal View and Millstream Elementary were treated to a musical performance on two separate nights at the Isabelle Reader Theatre. Joining the students on stage was singer and songwriter, Norman Foote!  The two evenings were filled with songs, guitar and puppeteering, which brought lots of laughter.

The stars of Crystal View Elementary and Norman Foote!
November 5, 2013

Thank you to Crystal View’s music teacher Jessica Sketchley, and Millstream’s music teacher Chelsea Sihota who taught the children the songs during music class!

Norman Foote

Norman Foote is a Canadian singer, songwriter and comedian for all ages. He has written for Walt Disney, Shari Lewis, and won a Juno Award for Best Children’s Album in 2010.


Nov 05

Internet Safety Presentation


Darren Laur from Personal Protection Systems Inc.

A big thank you to Darren Laur who visited Belmont Senior Secondary last night to educate parents on Internet safety and what it means to be a good digital citizen. Thank you to all the parents who showed up, we had roughly 50 parents in attendance. The topics covered included: social networks, social network safety, violence prevention, and the illusion of privacy.

Tips for Internet Safety:

Change your user name and passwords every six months

Lock down your Wi-Fi at home and make it password protected

Educate yourself on social media

Think before you post

Key Message:

If you post it, it is public, permanent, and searchable.

Here are two websites to might find useful in your social media education. and

Oct 16

Top Chef Canada Winner returns to EMCS

EMCS Culinary Arts students got to show off their skills last Thursday to CTV’s Top Chef Canada 2012 Winner  and EMCS graduate Carl Heinrich. Judges also included SD62 Assistant Superintendent Roberta Kublick, Vice Principal Mike Bobbit, and former Culinary Arts teacher Pia Carroll. After the judges tasted all nine delicious soups, they had the tough job of deciding on one winner. I would probably have a tough time too, because I heard they were all amazing. Congrats to the co-winners Violet Hanneson & Angela Meija. I can’t wait to grab a bowl of the co-winning soups at Eddy M’s this week!


Oct 15

Welcome Arianne

Welcome to Victoria and Sooke, Arianne Berteau! Arianne joins us for this school year as District French Language Assistant. She grew up in Farnham, Québec and is excited to share her passion for French language and culture with students in the district French immersion program. Arianne will be with us until the end of May.

Arianne Berteau – nouvelle monitrice de français pour l’année scolaire 2013-2014. Bienvenue à Victoria et à Sooke, Arianne ! Arianne est arrivée de Farnham, Québec la première semaine d’octobre. Elle sera avec nous jusqu’en mai. Les classes d’immersion dans les deux zones de la commission auront le plaisir de travailler avec Arianne.


Oct 11

Day of the Girl: Celebrate equality!

Oct 08

Cross Country @ Beaver Lake

A huge congratulations to all of the cross country athletes from John Stubbs, Belmont, Journey, and EMCS who ran last Thursday at Beaver Lake Park! I took this photo while I was cheering you on near the finish line. Great job!

Almost at the finish line